Much muscle for Devin Nunes and Donald Trump to clean up this criminality of CounterfeitStocks (shares sold but never settled for). A fair securities market for all participants is goin to take an Act of Congress to set things back to the way they were originally intended.
Counterfeit Stocks
Financial Terrorism in America
… we just need the Secret Service to put out a statement saying “counterfeiting in the US equity markets? – if we catch you, you are going to jail, no ands, ifs or buts..”
and the game would be over. Ham 11/24/23
This is a serious website.
Not a Financial Advisor.
Not Financial Advice.
From a discouraged retail investor.
I am
The US Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)
says we in the USA have the most fair and
transparent financial market in the world.
Wes Christian has been fighting Illegal Counterfeit
Short Selling “stealing” and suggests there are
billions of Illegal counterfeit stocks out there, many with
American shell companies in Europe where FTDs
(failure to delivers) are not enforced.
Here are a few IMHO (in my honest opinion)…
Please support Go Fund Me account – producing a multi-part series on Financial Terrorism in America – the Wall Street Conspiracy – trailer at top of page – support link at bottom of page..